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Accès libreAffiche du document La demoiselle aux yeux verts – Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin
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La demoiselle aux yeux verts – Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

669 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 8h22min.
Préparez-vous pour une aventure trépidente d'Arsène Lupin, entre pâtisseries et filatures !Alors qu'il flâne dans les rues de Paris, Arsène Lupin se met subitement à suivre un homme qui réalise une filature sur une touriste anglaise blonde aux yeux azur… L'aventure commence ! Plus tard dans une pâtisserie chic du boulevard Haussmann, il croise la route d'une autre blonde intrigante, aux yeux verts cette fois-ci. Ces rencontres sont-elles vraiment le fruit du hasard ? À travers les rues animées de la Ville Lumière, Lupin se retrouve embarqué dans des péripéties hautes en couleur. Le passé et le présent s'entrechoquent tandis que des mystères se dévoilent peu à peu... L'amour serait-il aussi au rendez-vous pour notre gentleman cambrioleur ? Osera-t-il suivre ces femmes mystérieuses jusqu’au bout de leur secret ?Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941) est l’auteur de nombreux romans policiers, mais il est surtout le père du fameux Arsène Lupin. Né d’une famille de négociant, il fuit en Écosse durant la guerre franco-allemande, puis revient étudier à Rouen. Il fréquente Gustave Flaubert et Guy de Maupassant. C’est lorsqu’il publie en 1905 « L'Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin », sur le modèle de Sherlock Holmes, qu’il connaît un succès retentissant. Il continue sur sa lancée avec « Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès » qui provoque la colère de Conan Doyle. Il renforce son personnage Arsène Lupin au fil de sa carrière, et aujourd’hui encore, on ne cesse d’apprécier ce gentleman-cambrioleur en livre, en film ou en série.
Accès libreAffiche du document La Barre y va – Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin
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La Barre y va – Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

484 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 6h03min.
Une belle inconnue en détresse et un meutre en huis-clos : c'est un mystère digne d'Arsène Lupin.Tard dans la nuit, Raoul d’Avenac, alias Arsène, Lupin rentre chez lui. À sa grande surprise, l'appartement est tout éclairé et une jolie jeune femme l'attend, appuyée sur un guéridon : c'est Catherine Montessieux. En quête de refuge, elle s'est enfuie de chez elle pour chercher l'aide de Lupin dans une affaire des plus troublantes.Catherine et sa sœur ont hérité du manoir de la Barre-y-va en Normandie, après la mort subite de leur grand-père, grand passionné de l'occulte et d'alchimie. Mais le malheur frappe à nouveau : le beau-frère de Catherine a été assassiné en chambre close, et pourtant, il ne reste aucune trace du meurtrier.Avec l'aide du brigadier Théodore Béchoux, présent lors du meurtre, Lupin devra dissiper les brumes qui entourent cette affaire. Saura-t-il démêler le vrai du faux ? Et quelle est cette étrange malédiction qui semble peser sur La Barre y va ?Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941) est l’auteur de nombreux romans policiers, mais il est surtout le père du fameux Arsène Lupin. Né d’une famille de négociant, il fuit en Écosse durant la guerre franco-allemande, puis revient étudier à Rouen. Il fréquente Gustave Flaubert et Guy de Maupassant. C’est lorsqu’il publie en 1905 « L'Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin », sur le modèle de Sherlock Holmes, qu’il connaît un succès retentissant. Il continue sur sa lancée avec « Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès » qui provoque la colère de Conan Doyle. Il renforce son personnage Arsène Lupin au fil de sa carrière, et aujourd’hui encore, on ne cesse d’apprécier ce gentleman-cambrioleur en livre, en film ou en série.
Accès libreAffiche du document La femme aux deux sourires – Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin
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La femme aux deux sourires – Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

604 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 7h33min.
L'inspecteur principal Gorgeret, espérant appréhender le grand Paul - un malfrat notoire, s'est lancé sur la piste de Clara la Blonde. Mais il n'est pas le seul à être fasciné par cette femme mystérieuse : Monsieur Raoul, mieux connu sous le nom d'Arsène Lupin, est aussi intrigué par cette dernière.Et quand elle frappe à sa porte par erreur, c'est tout un monde de mystères, de rebondissements inattendus, de vols audacieux et de morts suspectes qui s'ouvre devant lui ! Un vrai cocktail explosif pour notre gentleman-cambrioleur.Alors, est-ce vraiment après une fortune que court notre héros ou est-il tombé sous le charme envoûtant de la belle Clara ?Maurice Leblanc (1864-1941) est l’auteur de nombreux romans policiers, mais il est surtout le père du fameux Arsène Lupin. Né d’une famille de négociant, il fuit en Écosse durant la guerre franco-allemande, puis revient étudier à Rouen. Il fréquente Gustave Flaubert et Guy de Maupassant. C’est lorsqu’il publie en 1905 « L'Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin », sur le modèle de Sherlock Holmes, qu’il connaît un succès retentissant. Il continue sur sa lancée avec « Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès » qui provoque la colère de Conan Doyle. Il renforce son personnage Arsène Lupin au fil de sa carrière, et aujourd’hui encore, on ne cesse d’apprécier ce gentleman-cambrioleur en livre, en film ou en série.
Accès libreAffiche du document La librairie des livres interdits
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La librairie des livres interdits

Marc Levy

627 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 7h50min.
Tous les héros ne portent pas de cape. Certains ont des livres.Mitch, libraire passionné, est arrêté un matin pour un crime impensable : il a transgressé la loi en vendant des livres interdits. Après cinq années de prison, il n'a qu'un désir, retrouver sa liberté et sa librairie. Mais le destin en décide autrement. Le même jour, Mitch croise le procureur qui l'a fait condamner et rencontre Anna, une jeune chef qui pourrait bien être la femme de sa vie. Que faire quand on est pris entre une irrépressible envie de vengeance et une irrésistible envie d'aimer ? Peut-on rêver d'un avenir sans s'être acquitté du passé ? Une comédie brillante et engagée qui donne le goût de lire et d'aimer. Aimer. Résister. Vivre.
Accès libreAffiche du document P'tit Loup ne dort pas à la maison
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P'tit Loup ne dort pas à la maison

Orianne Lallemand

5 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 03min45.
Ce soir, P’tit Loup dort chez sa cousine Louna pour la première fois, il est tout excité ! Mais une fois arrivé là-bas, tout n’est pas comme à la maison… Heureusement Tatie et Louna sont là pour le rassurer : tout va bien se passer !
Accès libreAffiche du document P'tit Loup aime les bébés animaux
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P'tit Loup aime les bébés animaux

Orianne Lallemand

5 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 03min45.
P’tit Loup est à la campagne avec sa famille ! Pour la promenade, ils décident d’aller chez Jack, le voisin, pour voir ses animaux et leurs petits… Chatons, chiot, poussin, caneton : P’tit Loup est émerveillé par tous ces bébés animaux si mignons.
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Meet PJ Robot
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PJ Masks - Meet PJ Robot


21 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 16min.
The PJ Masks are back to save the day and they need your help! The PJs' rival Romeo has built a new robot, and they want it on their side. But Romeo won't surrender without a fight. Will the robot follow its commander Romeo, or will the PJs offer of friendship change the robot's mind?PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work. PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - 3-Minute Bedtime Stories
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PJ Masks - 3-Minute Bedtime Stories


32 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 24min.
Join Catboy, Owlette and Gekko on twelve short adventures as they take on rivals Romeo, the Night Ninjas and Luna Girl. Using their superpowers, wits, and friendship, PJ Masks are ready to head out into the night to save the day! PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work. PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Meet the Wolfy Kids
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PJ Masks - Meet the Wolfy Kids


22 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 16min.
Join the Pyjama Heroes on another night-time adventure! The PJ Masks get busy when a trio of werewolf siblings show up. The Wolfy Kids have come to town, destroying and stealing everything they can! Can Catboy, Owlette and Gekko defeat their new enemies and save the day?'Cause bedtime is the right time to fight crime!PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Be a Hero!
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PJ Masks - Be a Hero!


56 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 42min.
Who goes into the night so they can save the day? PJ Masks! Can Owlette, Catboy and Gekko stop Romeo before he steals their superpowers with his all-in-one super-belt? And who is it that is spreading waste throughout the city?Find out in three new adventures with the PJ Masks!PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - 5-Minute Stories
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PJ Masks - 5-Minute Stories


67 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 50min.
Prepare yourself for trouble and join the PJ Masks on 12 different adventures as they head out into the night to save the day!Owlette, Catboy, and Gekko are ready to go up against the city's supervillains. Can the heroes catch up with Night Ninja's Super Ninjalinos? Will Romeo finally succeed in taking over the world with his new robots? And what villain are they pursuing to the Moon? An action-packed collection of stories filled with friendship, fun and adventures. PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Ready for Action!
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PJ Masks - Ready for Action!


27 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 20min.
Put on your most colourful superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another adventure as they head out into the night to battle Night Ninja and Luna Girl!Night Ninja has stolen all sports equipment from the park. Now his Ninjalinos can train and become super strong! Meanwhile, Luna Girl creates a giant moon ball and stores all the toys she has stolen inside. Will the PJ Masks succeed in preventing the villains from carrying out their sinister plans?An action-packed and thrilling adventure, ´PJ Masks - Ready for action!´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2022 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Race Up Mystery Mountain
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PJ Masks - Race Up Mystery Mountain


21 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 16min.
Fasten your seatbelt and join the PJ Masks in their race against Night Ninja to see who reaches the top of Mystery Mountain first!On Mystery Mountain lies a magical ring which bestows the wearer with ultimate ninja powers. It becomes a race against the villain and his henchmen to reach the top of Mystery Mountain and claim the ring.Night Ninja is on his way but the PJ Masks are right behind him. Will the PJ Masks be able to win the race and save the day? A fun and action-packed adventure, ´PJ Masks - Race Up Mystery Mountain´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - PJ Power!
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PJ Masks - PJ Power!


79 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 59min.
Put on your cosiest pajamas and join the PJ Masks on four exciting adventures: Pedal Power, Battle of the HQs, Feathered Friends, and Mayhem at the Museum! The villains have devised new, dangerous plans, and the heroes must take action. Where have the PJ Masks' super vessels gone? Who will win the battle for the bases? Is Owlette capable of taking care of a pet? And what's really in Romeo's big evil box? You will find out soon!A collection of action-packed and thrilling adventures, ´PJ Masks - PJ Power´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Catboy and the Big Birthday Cake Rescue
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PJ Masks - Catboy and the Big Birthday Cake Rescue


24 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 18min.
Put on your coolest superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another exciting night-time adventure, defeating the city's evil villains. The difference? This time it's personal!It’s almost Greg’s birthday and he is looking forward to having a gekko-themed party, but suddenly his lizard cake is gone! Night Ninja stole it. He stole both the birthday decorations and the birthday cake! Will the PJ Masks be able to get everything back in time for the party? And will Greg get the birthday that he always wanted? An action-packed and thrilling adventure, ´PJ Masks - Catboy and the Big Birthday Cake Rescue´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Catboy and the Shrinker
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PJ Masks - Catboy and the Shrinker


22 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 16min.
The PJ Masks are ready for a new and exciting adventure! Grab your nearest superhero cape and join them in their quest against not one but two of their archenemies. When Romeo and the Night Ninja join forces, the PJ Masks are determined to defeat their enemies. However, Romeo has come up with a new invention: The Shrinker. Now everything around them is small! Can the PJ Masks prevent the villains from carrying out their sinister plan? A fun and action-packed adventure, ´PJ Masks - Catboy and the Shrinker´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Heroes of the Road
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PJ Masks - Heroes of the Road


76 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 57min.
Get ready for an action-packed 4-part special with the PJ Masks! Eager to take on Carly and Cartoka in a roaring race in Zoomzania using their cool PJ vehicles, the PJ Masks go against their good friend Newton Star's advice and join the race anyway.But when they return, the PJ Riders and Newton have vanished! Now they must face a new mean team - the Terrible Trio! Can our heroes save their friends and beat the baddies?PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Carly and Cartoka
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PJ Masks - Carly and Cartoka


34 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 25min.
Join Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko as they tackle Carly and Cartoka – a pair of speed-obsessed villainous twins who love causing trouble! With help from their Gigantogarage and super-fast Flashcar, the new villains wreck the PJ vehicles. But brave Catboy isn't giving up - he ventures into a new world to outrun the twins!Meanwhile, can Gekko and Owlette solve the mystery of the glowing PJ Crystal along with their PJ Pets?PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Storybook Treasury
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PJ Masks - Storybook Treasury


49 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 37min.
Ahoy, Matey! Prepare to embark on three awesome adventures with the PJ Masks! From dealing with Romeo's failed experiments to reclaiming stolen treasure from the villainous Pirate Robot, will Gekko, Catboy, and Owlette save the city and all things pirate? Hold onto your seats – it’s time to find out!PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
Accès libreAffiche du document PJ Masks - Ninja Power Up!
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PJ Masks - Ninja Power Up!


26 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 19min.
Grab your superhero capes and join Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko as they chase down Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos! Defeating the villain with ease, the PJ Masks become overconfident in their abilities and soon find themselves in deep trouble as Night Ninja secretly plots to acquire PJ powers for himself! Will the PJ Masks be able to outsmart Night Ninja once again? PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro
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